2024 TNVET Legislative Agenda/Background
Representatives of the TNVET member organizations met in Nashville on June 3rd, 2023. We moved up this year’s meeting as we want to approach the Governor’s office with a budget request item, instead of asking the legislature.
The following are the TNVET legislative agenda items agreed to by unanimous consent, per constitutional bylaws:
Electronic Voting for Active Duty.
Medical Cannabis
Restoration of the 2nd free auto license plate for 100% disabled veterans
Identify and Implement processes/procedures that document what the state is accomplishing in hiring qualified veterans within its departments.
Tax Equalization – Changing state law calculations to stop penalizing 100% disabled qualify veterans for property tax relief based on yearly market value fluctuations.
Details By Agenda Item:
Electronic Voting for Active Duty
We have been working on this for a couple of years. Legislation to allow pilot program to test electronic voting for deployed active duty (includes National Guard and Reserves) service members and families, veterans and families along with state civilians that may be stationed outside the continental U.S. A very productive meeting held with representatives of the TN Secretary of State, Sen. Bill Powers, Director for the Montgomery County Election Commission, and representatives of TNVET on Sept 12, 2022 in Clarksville, TN. The goal in 2023 is to work with representatives of the Secretary of State and develop a workable process/concept that addresses security concerns and then in 2024 to pursue legislation that will allow a test of that process/concept. A request for another workshop meeting was made Jun 22, 2023.
The goal, via legislation, is to authorize Montgomery County TN to install and test the process/concept voting system for U.S. military and overseas civilians. The system must meet measures listed by the federal government and is in accordance with the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986 and Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (“MOVE Act”), Subtitle H – Military Voting, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010, PUBLIC LAW 111–84—OCT. 28, 2009
The electronic absentee request for ballot and submission of completed ballot would still require an electronic handwritten signature that would be compared to that on file. This may require amendment of TCA 2-6-202 for the purposes of the test. Any penalties for falsehoods or other deliberate acts inconsistent with state law would apply to the electronic voting process.
The electronic absentee ballot would require a paper copy backup that would be downloaded, printed and scanned in accordance to regular paper absentee ballots. The appropriate sections of TCA would reflect that requirement.
———-Latest Update On Electronic Voting———–
On Oct 4th, 2023 Tennessee Veterans (TNVET) representatives Steve Singleton and Bill Summers met in Clarksville. TN with state election representatives Mr. Goins and Mr. Griffy, Montgomery County Administrator of Elections Elizabeth Black, Chairman of the Montgomery County Election Commission Rick Longton and TN Senator Bill Powers. TNVET thanks Sen. Powers and his staff for organizing the meeting and for the attendance of state and local representatives from the various election organizations.
The purpose of the meeting was to continue discussions and methods that might allow active-duty military and dependents, stationed overseas, to vote in elections via some form of secure electronic voting. This would also apply to the hundreds to possible thousands of Reserve and National Guard members residing in Tennessee that are continuously being called up for active-duty mission/assignments. Currently, 31 states already allow for some form of electronic voting. This has been a multi-year process and if you are new or not familiar to the TNVET steps and processes that have been discussed and research prior to this meeting, you may catch up on information details of this and others topics that TNVET will undertake in the 2024 legislative session at: https://tnvet.org/legislative-success/2023-legislation/ .
Review of the three basic forms of electronic voting were discussed; “cloud-based accessibility”, email and fax formats. There are many concerns within the Secretary of State and state legislative members on cloud accessibility versions. Although there is a slow-growing list of states starting to use this version, TNVET acknowledges the security concerns of the state on cloud access/control and will not pursue further discussions at this time on this method. However, as 31 other states provide email and/or fax voting submissions, discussion centered on those two methods. States that allow these methods have not noted any major issues with security or privacy of ballots submitted by these methods.
Based on the meeting discussions, Mr. Goins and Mr. Griffy will contact some of the 31 states to research the methods and procedures they used to ensure the concerns over security and privacy are met. The goal will be to select one, possibly both methods, and develop a plan to implement a system to be tested in Tennessee. TNVET has pushed to have Montgomery County, TN used as a test bed due to thousands of troops stationed at Ft. Campbell KY, which straddles the Tennessee – Kentucky state line. If another state method can be emulated and modified for Tennessee operational needs, the TNVET goal will be to have sponsored legislation developed for the 2024 session for approval. With the support of the state agency that oversees such processes in our corner, this should greatly increase chances this can be approved at the legislature.
TNVET will be checking-in with Sen. Powers and the state on progress and keeping you informed.
Medical Cannabis
This is a continuation of an effort that started for TNVET in the 2022 legislative session. This legislation will allow the state to operate a full medical cannabis program from seed to prescribing to usage.
Federally, there has been recent action to remove cannabis from the Schedule 1 classification (drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as having no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse). You may read about this development at: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12240
A total of 39 states/districts allow medical cannabis usage. There is growing evidence that such usage may help with a number of medical issues being experienced by military veterans. Tennessee veterans should have the same medical treatment and access as their fellow veterans have in surrounding states without having to sneak over the state line to get it. Only two states that touch Tennessee do not have full medical cannabis utilization laws (although both states are ahead of Tennessee on the issue)……North Carolina and Georgia.
Interesting enough, Tennessee legislation/law approved in 2021 (SB0118/HB0490), already recognizes that Medical Cannabis can help the following conditions:
1) Alzheimer’s disease; (2) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); (3) Cancer, when such disease is diagnosed as end stage or the treatment produces related wasting illness, recalcitrant nausea and vomiting, or pain; (4) Inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis; (5) Epilepsy or seizures; (6) Multiple sclerosis; (7) Parkinson’s disease; (8) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); and(9) Sickle cell disease.
However, the state will not allow the production, processing or sale of the strength needed for the conditions, but will allow you to bring it into the state if you have the proper medical papers/support.
The 2023 bill that went before the Tennessee Legislature was (SB1104)/House Bill 1441 (HB1441), “Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act”. It was anticipated that the 2024 effort will basically be the same bill. However, TNVET found out in late January 2024 that the 2023 bill sponsor (Sen. Bowling) could not resubmit her bill, as it was defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee last year. Sen. Bowling’s office states she was not aware of this rule.
Another similar medical cannabis was offered in the current 2024 session by Sen. Lamar. TNVET reviewed this bill and found it similar in approach and has thrown its support behind this new bill. You may access a copy by going to: https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Bill/SB2104.pdf.
Restoration of the 2nd free auto license plate for 100% disabled veterans
What had been available to qualified veterans for years, the second free plate was removed in the 2014 legislative session. Veterans who qualified for the current one free plate would be restored the privilege to automatically qualify for a free second plate, if needed.
Identify and Implement processes/procedures that document what the state is accomplishing in hiring qualified veterans within its departments.
The State of Tennessee provides hiring preferences to qualified veterans that apply. What has come to light is there is no tracking to see what numbers of veterans are submitting state job application, how many qualified for jobs and how many were actually selected. Evidence of issues/problems can be found in the “Supporting Document” section below.
In a Jan 25, 2023 meeting with the Commissioner of Veterans Serices, TNVET Executive Board requested and is pursuing resolution of the concern with Tennessee Department of Veterans Services and Tennessee Department of Human Resources.
Tax Equalization
Changing state law calculations to stop penalizing 100% disabled qualify veterans for property tax relief based on yearly market value fluctuations.
We will work to change the state law to replace the term “market value” in all sections of the law, to the last approved county “ad valorem” rate. This will make the value impact of the $175K property tax relief for veterans equal every year and equally affected all such veterans the same statewide. We will work with the state veteran legislative caucus to sponsor and support this effort.
Supporting References/Documents For 2024 Legislative Items:
Electronic Voting for Active Duty
Below are references/research for your use. Place your cursor over the reference article name listed and click. It will take you directly to the source document.
Ref: https://www.fvap.gov/info/reports-surveys/StateoftheMilitaryVoter
Ref: – Federal Absent Uniform Voters and Overseas Voters Act
Ref: https://www.govtech.com/policy/federal-bill-would-allow-online-voting-for-overseas-military
Ref: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-117s2328is/pdf/BILLS-117s2328is.pdf
Ref: https://democracylive.com/
Medical Cannabis
The Tennessee Legislative Bill that is currently for being worked for 2024 is (SB2104)/(HB2502), “Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act”. You may access a copy of the bill by scrolling to the end of this page and clicking the button.
Medical Cannabis – Federal
Medical Cannabis – Federal
On Medical Marijuana – VA Policy and Veterans -article
Medical Cannabis – The States
Medical Cannabis – Alabama
Medical Cannabis – Arkansas
Medical Cannabis – Florida
Medical Cannabis – Georgia
Medical Cannabis – Kentucky
Medical Cannabis – Mississippi
Medical Cannabis – Missouri
Medical Cannabis – North Carolina
Medical Cannabis – Virginia
Medical Cannabis – Article
Restoration of the 2nd free auto license plate for 100% disabled veterans
Ref: The bill that removed two option – https://trackbill.com/bill/tennessee-house-bill-1736-special-license-plates-as-enacted-revises-and-clarifies-various-provisions-of-law-regarding-veteran-and-military-related-license-plates-amends-tca-title-55-chapter-4-and-chapter-318-of-the-public-acts-of-2013/639425/
Ref: Failed action (2019) to restore the two plate option – https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/110/Bill/SB0514.pdf
Ref: Failed action (2022) to restore two-plate option – https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2045
Identify and Implement processes/procedures that document what the state is accomplishing in hiring qualified veterans within its departments.
Ref: https://www.newschannel5.com/longform/is-tbi-fudging-truth-on-veterans-law
Tax Equalization