Every early February/late January, TNVET organizes and conducts “Veterans Day On The Hill” in the Cordell Hull State Office Building in Nashville (425 Rep. John Lewis Way N, Nashville, TN 37243). This building houses all state legislator offices and meeting facilities. In 2025, the event will be held on Wednesday, Jan 29. Due to the TNVET organizations, other sponsors and event donations, this is a no cost event for participating veterans. Download the Prep Package (see below) for full instructions, timetables and details.
Any veteran may attend (this includes veterans who may not be a member of ANY state veteran organization or those whose veteran organization has not joined TNVET), although we may have cap the number due to facility constraints. Because of the constraints, if signups exceed facility capacity, preference will be given to members of the TNVET organizations.
However, while this event is to give veterans the opportunity to meet their state legislators and learn how their state government works, the primary purpose of this day is to support and advocate for the legislative bills that the TNVET member organizations have formulated and approved for the Tennessee Legislative session. The 2025 legislative agenda is completed and may be viewed under the “Legislation”, subtab “2025 Legislation Agenda/Background”.
THE SIGN UP portal for the Jan 29, 2025 “Veterans Day On The Hill” has CLOSED. We have reached capacity of the facility provided to us this year.
If you have signed up, don’t forget to download your “prep Package” below!

Dozens of meetings, some one-on-one, some in group settings, and attendance at legislative committees that are discussing the passage of veteran bills take place at every “Veterans Day On The Hill”.
After you signup to attend “Veterans Day On The Hill” you will need to download the information PDF (Prep Package) that will give you every detail and map of the how, the where, the when and the who you need to have a safe and successful trip. To download the event information just click the button below.
- The Prep Package portal for the Jan 2025 event is available for download NOW!